Sunday 14 July 2013

Day 1 - the day that never ends

13th July 2013

We can't believe it's finally here, it's so surreal! The day started in Manchester with a flight at 9am, not before pancakes and a cuppa obviously.

 We had such a giggle at the plane that took us to Shannon, Ireland. It was almost private it was that small! Lauren was not impressed (petrified). There was time for a quick drink in Ireland - my last alcoholic me for over a week :(

Neither of us managed to sleep on the plane to NY which, in my opinion, makes us heroes for being up so long. Our excitement kept us going anyway!! We took the AirTrain and Long Island Rail road and got into the city in no time. We put our luggage in storage and went to find all the places we needed later on such as the hotel we are staying at on the 20th - OMG so gorgeous they even had complimentary cucumber-infused water. Mum you would love it!! - and the bus stop for later. We killed some time in Times Square and then Bryant Park, mainly people watching and pinching ourselves. (Our hair was huge at this point due to the humidity haha)

We then fancied something cheap and cheerful for tea so chose Mr Biggs and yummmmmmm. Mine was goats cheese ravioli and I was in heaven ha. I was very sad that Loz got to have a frozen margarita whilst I was stuck with a sprite :(

After killing a bit more time in Maccy's with an Oreo McFlurry (more yum) we headed back to the bus stop.

The bus from NY to Buffalo went through the night and we're now here ready for a packed (and scorching hot) day at Niagara Falls. Loving it so far!!!

Lots of love xxxxxxx

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