Thursday 18 July 2013

Day 5 - the day we spent 2 hours in the library

17th July 2013

Washington day 2 and the heatwave continued. Notice how on the hottest days we appear in less photos - the sweat was dripping from us!! We headed off to the Old Post Office Pavilion Tower to get a beautiful view of the city. 
(The old post office from outside) 
Even better, there was a Ben and Jerry's counter and so we filled our boots with an oreo waffle cone with cookie dough ice cream scoops coated in chocolate sprinkles each. Heaven. We couldn't really move after that.
As you walk through the streets of Washington there are plaques on the floor featuring political figures that have played a role in American History, which is really interesting.
The next stop was the US Capitol. The walk was difficult thanks to the 100' heat(38'C). How the people in these photos are wearing so many clothes I will never know.
Underground is the US Capitol Visitor's Centre. We headed there praying for air con and a tacky gift shop. We were in luck with the air con but the gifts were far too classy for us. From there you could take an underground tunnel to the Library of Congress (imagine Loz's face at the word 'library' HA). It was such a stunning building. 
Most exhibitions were not allowed to be photographed, but we visited them all. We finished in the Bob Hope room which I dragged Lauren into. I wondered where she had got to as I wandered through the exhibition. Then I found her, at the 'political jukebox' rapping away to the Black Eyed Peas' 'Where is the Love'. There are several videos which unfortunately can't be added to the blog and she has forbade me to add to Facebook, but I am keeping them safe for sharing when back in England ha. It was special.
On the way home we had dinner at PJ Clarke's on 16th street. I forgot to take a picture but YUM. Loz had a steak (obviously) and I had a crab cake sandwich; if you know me well you can imagine I was in my element. Back home for another America's Got Talent session in our jamas. Can't wait til I'm 21 and our evenings are more exciting, but we are enjoying our chilled evenings so far. Lots of love xxxxx

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