Wednesday 17 July 2013

Day 4 - the day we almost didn't get takeout

16th July 2013

Our 11 hour journey through the night from Buffalo wasn't the best. I was sat next to an Indian who poked me everytime I managed to fall asleep. Lauren managed a bit more than me.
We arrived into the beautiful Union Station and travelled a few blocks to the apartment we were staying. Andy greeted us to show us around - he was so lovely. As is the apartment.
Lauren quickly made herself at home.
Next, into Washington! The walk was not far but the heat was ridiculous! We saw the Whitehouse, Washington Monument (closed for repair), WW2 memorial and Lincoln's memorial (where MLKjr made his 'I have a dream' speech). We needed an ice pop after that! 
Today is also the day that Lauren decided she had a 'family crush' on the Obamas. 
We were shattered after that and decided to head back to the apartment, shower, get in our pjs and order takeout. Little did we realise the difficulty of this mission. The first takeout attempt took place at 7pm. The Chinese lady was not happy with our lack of an American phone number, yet ordered anyway. At around 8.20 we called back to be told or order had not yet started cooking because we do not have a ID. Cue Lauren's anger. We rang takeout number 2 at approximately 8.25 and ordered a Pu Pu Platter, almost with a straight face. At 9.30 we rang to ask where our order was. "On it's way" was the response. At approximately 9.40 we heard a knock at the door that was almost confused with our stomachs' rumblings, and here it was. The order may have been wrong but we considered our mission complete. We then fell asleep watching America's Got Talent. 


  1. Oh hannah thats hillarious. Would hate to meet the wrath of lauren when shes hungry. Love ya both xx

  2. Hi sweetie we are loving the blogs keep them coming when you can. Can't wait to see photos of Philly. You both look like you are having a fab time. It's great sharing the adventure with you both xxxxx
