Tuesday 23 July 2013

Day 10 - the day it was my birthday

22nd July 2013

My 21st birthday :). I woke up and Lauren was demanding that I got in the shower. I dragged my heels because this bed is impossible to leave. I showered and when I came out Loz had laid out cards and presents for me on the bed :) I had some lovely things - undies and a charm from Loz, some cute earrings off Sar and some money from Mum. Next there was a knock at the door, and it was room service - a champagne breakfast!!!! Yummmmmmmmm
We got ready but I didn't know the plans for the day. Loz was in charge and keeping quiet. First stop was Tiffany's :) and we managed to resist spending a fortune. Then off to Central Park to see the Alice in Wonderland statue.
We stopped off for some cocktails at a posh bar ;)
Next was my new favourite place in the world. Aaaaahhhhh!! Alice's Teacup. It is my version of heaven. Everything is Alice themed with tea and meals with tea flavours. Of course it was my 21st birthday so we had tea-themed cocktails. I had a peach tea Bellini :). I FaceTimed my family here too which was very special but made me a bit teary.
It also introduced us to a miracle - Brookies. Half brownie, half cookies. OMG WOW. I need the recipe. 
We were a bit giddy on the subway after those cocktails. 
We popped back home to get ready for the evening and had a cheeky cocktail in the hotel bar. Because we had tweeted the hotel before came, we got a $20 voucher so cocktails were more or less free. Yay. 
Next, into the cab to the Gershwin Theatre, Broadway to see Wicked.
We had some 'Glozmopolitans' which were amazing.
We had amazing seats and the show was just incredible. 
After, we headed across the road out of the rain to an Irish bar - a tick off Lauren's list. 
We made friends with some Americans. One, the campest guy  I have ever met was also celebrating his birthday and was thrilled the royal baby had the same birthday too! He had been to see Wicked 26 times - what a legend. He was from Chicago so told us all the places to go :). We had some dinner and then back in a cab to Bleaker Street where were told there were lots of bars.
We decided to go to a bar called Wicked Willies (hahaha) and had a dance about. We stayed there for a couple of hours, then back home to bed - I was shattered after a long day. 

I can honestly say I had the best day ever. I would have loved my family to have been there to share it with me, but Lauren made my day perfect. Lots of love xxxx


  1. you look so beautiful and happy. what a lovely day and what a wonderful memory to share with afabulous friend lauren. thanks loz xx love you xx

  2. Love following you on your adventure, so pleased that you had a lovely birthday,Thinking about you both,,All our Love, Nan & Alan xxx
