Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 12 - the day we watched fireworks on the pier

24th July 2013

Today we had to get up at the crack of dawn :( for a flight to Chicago. I feel like I've become a pro at flying now, but Loz keeps getting more anxious bless her! Lesson: never watch documentaries on plane disasters. As we arrived at the airport I needed the loo and was in hysterics to find toilets that changed covers when you wave at them. 
We also found a poster which summarised what Lauren and I were doing.
Anyway, then took the train to the hotel downtown. The staff were lovely and let us check in at 11 - 4 hours early. They were Hispanic and thought that 'Stoke-on-Trent' sounded like a wonderful place haha! The room is alright, nicer than expected again. We headed out but soon realised we were too cold in the wind! We stayed out for lunch then came back to the hotel for a quick nap and clothes change. I had a FaceTime with Sar and Lottie too :)

We headed out after that into Chicago. I quickly fell in love with the city. We stumbled across the Buckingham Fountain by accident. Which looks stunning next to the backdrop of the city. After dark the fountain is part of a light show which we shall try and see tomorrow. 
Turning away from the fountain is the waterfront. Everywhere you turn is picturesque. We walked along the waterfront and across the bridge all the way to the pier. I barely put my camera away all evening it was so stunning.
We stopped off for dinner at a gorgeous Irish bar/ restaurant. I had a blackened salmon and mango salad which was delish.
Reps from hoegarden and Stella Artois were giving out free samples, but I'm more of a cocktail girl :)
By now it had gone dark as we walked to the Navy Pier, so everything was so sparkly! The pier was amazing with cocktails to go and a Maccies dessert centre amongst lots more. We resisted all!!
We were reminded just how far from home we are, which is so strange because we really don't feel it! 
We headed to the end of the pier for fireworks :). They were amazing.
There was a band directly behind us so had a boogie with them. It was such a great evening!
We headed home and once again I was taking a photo very 5 seconds. Chicago is just breathtaking!!
And straight to bed for us. We can't wait to explore more of Chigago! Lots of love xxxxx

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