Saturday 31 August 2013

Day 48 - the day we flew to Vegas

29th August 2013

We took the subway to the airport. We had a yummy brunch there. We flew with Virgin America and it was like a disco plane! We could text each other through the screens, watch TV and order food and bevs.
It was only an hour and a half flight. 
We caught a taxi to the Mirage. Wow!!
We got showered and ready and out for dinner. We ended up at Margaritaville obviously! After that we had a venture all down the strip. I'll post more pics soon. Lots of love xxxx

Friday 30 August 2013

Day 47 -the day we took a boat tour

28th August 2013

We realised we still hadn't seen the Golden Gate Bridge and since we didn't have the car we decided to take a boat tour to get a closer look. 
We had a bit of time before to see Fisherman's Wharf and Lombard street - the world's most crooked street.

There were some gorgeous views from the boat tour (and lots of rude Chinese people!!)
^^ it was so foggy you couldn't see the whole bridge top we were really close.
From there we headed up to the top of Telegraph Hill to Coit Tower. The views were amazing.
There were a lot of trees up there!
After that we headed to North Beach for lunch. Scallop salad for me. We did get stuck in Chinatown before we got there though! 
Oh and we saw a Banksy! 
We continued the day with drinking at a saloon, and having a bit of a shop. For dinner we went to and Irish bar and then back to the hotel room to pack our suitcase. Tomorrow we're flying to Vegas baby! Lots of love xxxxx

Day 45 - the day we went to Alcatraz

26th August 2013

Today we did had to take Benny the car back :(. We then did a much needed wash in the creepiest laundrette in the world.
After that we got a free shuttle from the hotel to Fisherman's Wharf. We spent time on Pier 39, seeing the sealions and getting some lunch. 
Then we headed to pier 43 for the boat to Alcatraz. We had booked onto the night tour. 
It was very windy on the boat!!
It was an audio tour narrated by ex correctional officers and cons which was brill and took us all over the island. Because it was the night tour both the kitchen and hospital (eek) were open to explore. The hospital was the scariest place ever.
Following that we went to a programme called 'Murder and obsession' by a tour guide called Jim B. It told the story of a couple of inmates but was a bit awkward when he started crying and the end (and Lauren laughing). 
 Back on the mainland we went to Hard Rock on pier 39 for a chocolate mousse and cocktails. The barmaid was amazing and didn't charge us for 4 drinks.
After that we headed to a fab bar called Novella where the walls mimic a library and all the drinks are named after literary characters. They also serve punch on tap.
It was closing time after one there so we then headed to a great place called House of Shields where again we had free drinks! Such a funevening. Lots of love xxxxx

Day 46 - the day we watched chick flicks

27th August 2013

Today we felt a little bit rough and managed to sleep past breakfast. We popped next door for a spot of brunch which was nice.
My burn was really sore today and Loz wasn't feeling too good so we decided to have a chick flick days with all of our favourites: Mean Girls; John Tucker Must Die; Pitch Perfect and He's Just Not That Into You. We had a takeaway had planned the heck out of tomorrow. Lots of love xxxxx

Day 44 - the day we arrived in San Francisco

25th August 2013

Today we continued the drive to San Francisco. Lauren was crying as we arrived as there was a huge cloud over the city. It was actually quite spooky.
We arrived at the hotel which was gorgeous!
We went out for a venture to Union
This are so many shops here so it would have been rude not to. We also continued the hunt for the cap my brother wants (nightmare). We were hungry though so went for lunch with a view.
After that we went back to the hotel and had a pamper night watching the VMAs. Lots of love xxxxx