Friday 9 August 2013

Day 26 - the day we went to Magic Kingdom

7th August 2013

Today we visited the Magic Kingdom for the first time and both me and Lauren regressed to childhood instantly. Prepare for a heck of a lot of pictures.
We managed to get there just as Mickey was doing a show at the castle: magical. It had lots of dancing, the princesses and princes and Peter Pan, Hook and pirates. 
Later on we watched the parade
(Not sure what that bulge is about?)
We spent most of the day gawping and going on some rides. 
We were absolutely spoilt in the evening. First up was the electrical parade.
Pete's Dragon ^^ me and Joe used to love that film.
Next up was the lighting up of the castle. We managed to be front row. It was amazing.
And then onto the firework display
What a fab day. Lots of love xxxxx 

1 comment:

  1. Bloody hell Hannah couldn't you have taken a few more photeed?! Love Gepetto :-D xx
