Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 32 - the day we parasailed in Key West

13th August 2013 

Today we were up way too early for an excursion pick up. We were on a day trip to Key West, which would have been exciting if it was at a more reasonable time! The journey there was over 4 hours so we did manage to catch a few more Zs. The views from the coach were stunning.
Lauren loved them too.
We had tried to book in for para sailing but were gutted to be told it was fully booked. 
Key West was lovely. It's an island about 3 miles round, made up of lots of bars and restaurants and a million and 1 gift shops. It's actually closer to Cuba than Miami which is a bit crazy.
Our first stop was to a parasailing company - we were determined! We got booked onto a trip at 2pm. 
We got some lunch - two Santa Fe salads- at Fogarty's which has a fab bar attached to it which mixes frozen cocktails in these washing machine style mixers. 

After that was time for a parasail. Ahhhh! We absolutely loved it and the guys on the boat were hilarious. It was such a rush. 
There was just time for a bit of a shop and to grab a salad for the journey home. We were glad when the journey was over and our tour guide Junior had stopped talking. He needs an entirely different blog. Lots of love xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. so so proud of you both. It looks fab xxxxxx love you xxx keep living the dream xxxxxx
