Friday 9 August 2013

Day 25 - the day we watched magic happen

6th August 2013

Today we went to Disney's Hollywood Studios and had an amazing day.
First (after food) we went to see "Lights, Motors, Action" which was a car stunt show with loads of car tricks and explosions. There was even a guy on fire at the end.
My new friend Lightning even made an appearance.
We then went to watch the American Idol Experience. You watch 3 people who auditioned that morning, and then vote for your favourite. The winner of that particular show goes through to the final in the evening and the winner of that gets a ticket to be at the front of the line of an American Idol audition. 
We watched a girl sing the Little Mermaid's "Part of that 
World" (cringe); a girl sing "Set Fire to the Rain" (she was brill and won the heat) and a guy sing a gospelly song that even he barely knew. We've said that if we have time on Friday, I'll audition for a giggle. We'll see. 
Next up we saw the Indiana Jones stunt show which was also good. 
We do go on rides between the shoes, just obviously we can't take pictures and they're over in seconds. However one ride which defied those conventions was the Great Movie Ride. This ride could be described in two ways. 1- terrible. 2- hysterical (because it was so terrible). Our tour guide was Brandon, who claimed his favourite movie genre was horror but it was clearly musicals. He flicked his wrist every other word, so so funny. This ride takes you through "all the great films" aka  through terrible waxwork replicas of some great films and some you've never heard of. It was another MJ moment (see the Epcot blog). A couple we had heard of... 
We went to see the Beauty and the Beast live show which, of course, I loved. The costumes were quite fabulous.
And then went to see Voyage of the Little Mermaid. 
We bumped into some fun things throughout the day, including Pizza Planet from Toy Story 
And two of my bezzies Lightning and Mater (of course, I'm bevelling)
We headed past the Monsters Inc University stage, and before the monster band came on the DJ was playing some serious tunes. Me and Loz were loving it, but everyone else was so boring. The DJ called us out for being so fun :).
We fancied a treat before the evening's show and so headed to the bakery, only to be spoilt for choice. Well we would have been if we wanted apples but we didn't :/ 
Wait for it...
Anyway we both had a Mickey brownie each and shared a cake pop as it was Red Velvet which lauren has never had before (I know, mental) so she had to experience that. She loved it, of course.
Now feeling sick ( I could no where near finish mine) we went to watch the HS's Fantasmic and were a bit unsure as to what to expect when it said "water and pyrotechnics show". We were absolutely blown away and near tears. Fantasia style Mickey showed us his imagination both through scenes and songs from our favourites, floats with our favourites on, or through projections which appeared in screens of sprayed water - incredible. 
However at one point the evil 
queen came out and turned all of Mickey's dreams to nightmares. All of the villains came out. Jafar transformed into a huge UV snake, trying to catch Mickey.
Maleficent (who I am absolutely petrified of) came out ( I hid behind Lauren) and then transformed into a Dragon which was certainly spectacular. 
But of course, good always conquers evil and so the finale saw all the (well, some of) the faves on a boat.
What an amazing day. Magic Kingdom tomorrow- eeek!! Lots of love xxxxx

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