Saturday 17 August 2013

Day 34 - the day I fell in love with Andrew the barman

15th August 2013

Today we were up nice and early ready for our flight to New Orleans. It was not too early that we had to miss breakfast as is usually the case, but we were the first people down there! That was an usual occurence for us. It was absolutely pouring down in Miami, we definitely picked a good day to leave. We waited an hour for our bus that never showed. Rain and waiting for buses - definitely felt more like being in England than Miami!
Eventually we gave up and got the hotel to ring us a cab - there were none about. We waited alongside the weird dog lady who had bewildered us for all of our stay. 
She sunbathed with her dog, ate meals with her dog, all whilst wearing the most bizarre combinations. Crazy lady, but sooo Miami.
Eventually we got a cab and got to MIA. The first flight we took was to Houston International, Texas, so I can officially say I have been to Beyonce's home town, ha. The next flight landed us in New Orleans. We took a shuttle to the hotel, which we feel in love with immediately. We stayed on Magazine St which I would recommend highly, it's close to the action but not nosey and really safe. The building itself had been there since he 1860s and the period features were gorgeous but still it was really fresh. 
Exposed brickwork^^
Then we went out and explored New Orleans.
Jackson Square
It's absolutely stunning round the French market, almost like a mix between Camden and Covent Garden with jazz musicians everywhere. Just the best atmosphere. 
For dinner we went to Tableau - very snazzy! We were say upstairs and basically had two private waiters as it was so quiet up there - David was for food, Andrew was for drink. Obviously Andrew was my fave. He immediately starting talking about British TV and loves all the same shows as me and told us so many things to do in NO. Fell in love in love with him. Especially when he handed me a lavender sidecar. Wow. Dinner was amazing. We shared a seafood platter. I had veal scallopini for my entree. 
For dessert we shared a Tarte a LA bouille. Flipping wow. 
Walking home, it was clear that Thursday nights are bike nights. Everyone was shouting "happy Thursday" ( Lauren thought everyone was wishing her happy birthday)
Lots of love xxxxx

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