Sunday 18 August 2013

Day 35 - the day I discovered Bourbon Milk Punch

16th August 2013

For our second and final day in New Orleans we decided to be a bit aimless. We knew the areas we wanted to be in, so just had a venture round those.
First of all we went riverside and took a stroll along the bank of the Mississippi. It wasn't sunniest of days.
This took us to a view of Jackson square, from the Washington artillery park.
We took a stroll down Bourbon street one of NO's most famous streets but also, we had been warned, it's most touristy and trashy. We really were not fans so we headed back to the French markets.
It's really great to see that even though each street has signs with it's current name, they also have signs saying what the names were called when the province was under Spanish occupation. It's a place that's really shaped and proud of its historical culture and fusion of them. 
Of course, it wasn't Mardi Gras whilst we were there but it still is everywhere with hundreds of mask and costume shops. Nearly bought some costumes for next year's dance show ha. Ange would have loved it.
We stumbled upon Bourbon House (I THINK that's what it was called) which was an oyster and bourbon house which was a partner of Tableau, where we ate last night.
We had gorgeous cocktails - strawberry vodka, purée and prosecco. The barman also introduced us to Bourbon milk punch which I shuddered at the thought of, but was amazing. It tasted like butterscotch milkshake. I had to have one!  
We plucked up the courage to fruits de mer with oysters - neither us of had tried them before. 
Everything was amazing - except the oysters. Neither of us liked them. The barman got us to try them with crackers, cocktail sauce and horseradish but tht just made it worse. At least we tried! 
After that we took a stroll down St Charles. Here is LaFayette Park.
After that we went back to the hotel and ended up falling asleep for a few hours haha. Whoops. Once we got ourselves sorted we headed out for dinner. We really struggled to find something we fancied as everywhere sold just seafood which we didn't want. We ended up getting steaks which came with "chef's choice of veg and potatoes".
The steak was crazy good but the potatoes were spicy mash :|. My whole head was on fire. Anyway, straight back to bed for a 3.30am wake up. Lots of love xxxxx

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