Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 28 - the day we watched movies all day

9th August 2013

We were absolutely shattered today - we've been so busy with such long days. Seen as we'd managed to do all of Disney except the water parks, which we weren't too fussed about, we decided to spend the day being lazy watching movies. I'm so glad we did! We went to the hotel shop and stocked up with lunch, put the do not disturb sign on the door and stuck on Pocahontas. After that was Aladdin, Despicable Me 1 and 2 and then, as we got ready to go out for dinner, Mamma Mia. 

I don't think I've actually posted any photos of the hotel. This is it:
Just what we need really. 
For our last night in Orlando we went at for dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy at Pointe which is literally across the road. We wished we discovered it sooner believe you me. We had a couple of cocktails and then honestly the best meals we've ever had. When they came I completely forgot to take a picture I was that excited. 
Loz had beef medallions in a portobello mushroom and balsamic sauce with garlic mash. I had Salmon Oscar - crusted salmon, on a bed on orzo, mozzarella, asparagus and roasted red peppers in a garlic cream sauce. I want it again writing that. We definitely couldn't fit in dessert after that and headed home. We're travelling to Miami in the morning - I can't believe that's come around so fast. Lots of love xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Yeeey so glad you watched mamamia!!! Thst food sounded awesome. Enjoy Mismi xx
