Saturday 24 August 2013

Day 42 - the day I couldn't move

 23rd August 2013

OW! That's all I can say. I think i must have burnt through several layers of skin I'm in so much pain. Definitely learnt a lesson! Pale skin is much better than red skin. I could barely move and that's not an exaggeration. 
Lauren and I both put on the loosest clothes we owned and the point at which we became too hungry to function we headed out to our new favourite Alcove. Getting into and sitting in the car was more painful than I'd imagined childbirth to be. It was a good job my chicken florentine crepe was amazing. After that, we were straight back at the apartment for Loz to have a fan aimed at her face (burn!) and my one aimed at my whole body. Thankfully there was a Law and Order SVU marathon so we definitely weren't sad to stay in! 

Later we had to pop back in the  LAX direction. The city looks amazing at night. Like a (very) mini New York surrounded by the amazing hills. 
We were super hungry and popped to Pizza Hut and then for a fro-yo which had red velvet batter as an option - YES! 

A lazy and painful day but lots to do tomorrow. Lots of love xxxxx

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