Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 38 - the day Lauren lost it

19th August 2013

The plan once again today was to enjoy the beach, however the clouds were still out. We headed out for brunch back to the same cafe. By this point it had gone 11 which is the time the forecast had it down to be sunny. There was no sight of that. This was the point that Lauren had a tantrum and decided she was angry at LA. Funny.
 So we went back to shopping. It was tricky not to spend all of my money (I had remembered it this time). I bought 2 dresses at Urban Outfitters (wearing 1 on pics tomorrow), 2 Alice in wonderland tops and both me and Lauren bought LA Dodgers tees (we're going to see them on Saturday).
There are some amazing designer shops which we hurried past and also some fab vintage stores/ thrift shops. I could have got massively carried away in those but got to think of both my bank balance and suitcase weight. Boring!

For dinner we went to a lovely restaurant in the designer complex ( I can't remember what it was called :/). Cocktails were not the best as they only served martinis which were the strongest ever! But dinner was amazing. I had salmon and strawberry salad and Lauren had...drum roll please...a steak a salad. We shared a red velvet cake for dessert. It wouldn't have been rude not to! 

A pretty laid back and uneventful last day in Santa Monica but just what we need (I'm sure Lauren will argue she needed a tan more). Final night's sleep in the Santa Monica apartment and off to fetch the car tomorrow. That will be an adventure all by itself I'm sure. Lots of love xxxxx

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