Monday 19 August 2013

Day 36 - the day we went to Santa Monica Pier

17th August 2013
We were up at 3.30am to get the airport shuttle. That was painful. Once again as we waited for the bus to go to the airport it started tipping it down. We had a cheeky breakfast at the airport and then flew to Los Angeles.
We hopped off the plane at LAX :) and managed to really mess about with trying to get out of the place. We realised we'd been a bit daft by not getting our car hire for another 3 days so tried to hire the car today. Because we hadn't booked it in advance it would have cost us a lot more for the 3 extra days than the weeks rental we had already paid for - crazy ! So we passed and went back to the airport to wait for the Flyaway to Westwood and then caught the bus to our apartment.
When we had first landed it was really overcast, but the sun came out and clouds were nowhere to be seen.
 The road we are staying on ^^
The apartment in Monica is lovely - really small but cosy. I forgot to take pictures. The apartment is just of Montana Ave, which is lined with lovely boutiques and cafes and leads to the beach. We stopped for lunch at a lovely cafe. 
There was a wannabe spice girl in there.
Further down the strip we meant to Menchies for a DIY fro-yo. OMG.
Cookie dough, brownie and strawberries. Yes please. We carried on walking down, towards the beach and as we got there - wow.
The road stops on a cliff edge, then you have to walk down steps and over a bridge over the road and onto the beach. Then, you're in heaven. We walked and came to the pier, but past it to go to muscle beach.
It wasn't as we expected - less oily body builders and more talent! There were bars which people were swinging from in the most amazing gymnastic ways and kids back flipping on tightropes.
I have a few videos of the tightroping and swinging that won't load to here. After gawping for a while. We headed back to the pier.
We had an absolute giggle when some kids were doing the weirdest version of 'thriller' you have ever seen (see my fb). We decided to hit the margarita bar at the end of the pier where you could design your own (Loz loved it)
We had fun people watching there. The views from the pier of the ocean were gorgeous, as was the weather.
We headed home and had an early night :) lots of love xxxxx

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