Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 29 - the day we arrived in Miami

10th August 2013
Today we were up early to travel via Greyhound from Orlando to Miami. We arrived at the hotel at check-in time and went straight to the bar! Ha.
We're staying at Red South Beach, which has a red theme. It's pretty snazzy.
The lobby 
Can't tell you how much we have missed having a mirror like that ^^.
We didn't just have a bev, we were starving and spoilt for choice. We shared a rare tuna salad and a seafood salad with calamari, shrimp and scallops - gorgeous! 

I can't pretend we had a particularly exciting day. We were pretty shattered, so were pretty lazy in the room. Loz had a kip and then I closed my eyes for 5 and woke up 4 hours later. We ordered room service as it was late, and that was great too. It's probably not a good think that we like the hotel food so much - we do need to explore Miami.
That's the plan for tomorrow anyway - explore and eat obviously. Lots of love xxxxx 

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