Friday 9 August 2013

Day 27 - the day we partied with Americans

8th August 2013

Today we went back to Magic Kingdom. First of all we went to see the princesses.
It was a bit awkward because Lauren was taller than them, but of course I wasn't. We then went to have a look through the shops which mainly consisted of us trying on hats.
My hair was a bit messed up after that.
There were lots of Alice things I wanted to buy. 
I'm not sure how I would have gotten them home.
We needed to kill some time so went to the Hall of Presidents, which Lauren hated until it was Barack's turn. It's basically a step through American presidential history which we could have taken on YouTube. Next we went on the  Carousel of Progress which I cannot recommend to anyone. It was another MJ moment. You visit 4 waxwork families at 20 year intervals telling you what there life is like. Bizarre and unnecessary. 
By this point we needed a cocktail so decided to pay Downtown Disney a visit. There Are lots more shops there including a Lego store with the Loch Ness monster outside.
We eventually found a margarita bar and had a wild berry margarita, then settled an Irish bar for dinner. We managed to resist the fish and chips on the menu and chose wraps and salads. 
The next bar was Paradisio 37. We had a giggle and a dance a long with the singer there who sounded more like she belonged on karaoke to be honest. We were both wearing Disney badges earlier in the day, which I took off, but Lauren kept on. The singer asked Lauren a question, she didn't quite here so just nodded and smiled politely. The next thing you know the singer announces over the mic that it's Lauren's birthday and everyone joins in with 'Celebrate' by Earth Wind and Fire. Priceless. We ran as soon as the song was over in case of any more questions.
At the next place we met some lovely American 'cast members' (ie they work for Disney) having a drink and we all got chatting. We were all the sane age an they had just graduated too so there was lots to talk about. They were going to go to the Boardwalk resort at Disney and said we should come along, so we did (it was a public event where they couldn't easily murder, mum I can hear you worrying). There we saw the duelling pianos - 2 guys playing along to any requests you handed them. Of course we got them playing the spice girls which was hilarious. We had a good dance and laugh there, and caught a taxi home. Such a fun day. Lots of love xxxxx 

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