Friday 23 August 2013

Day 41 - the day we spent in Malibu

22nd August 2013

Today Lauren insisted on spending the entire day at the beach to get a tan (she's been struggling haha). I, of course, do not tan full stop.
The drive down to Malibu along the Pacific Coast Highway was stunning. 
The beach was just amazing.
We spent the day eating fruit and chilling - perfect! Until I realised how burnt we both were - whoops!
It took us 2 hours to do the 50 minute journey home thanks to the crazy traffic. 
Both me and Loz had to have cold baths (separately) because we were so burnt. Mine was really terrible and I ended up falling asleep in the bath haha. Pretty sure this burn is going to be with me for a while - ouch!!!!! Lots of love xxxxx

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