Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 30 - the day we found paradise

11th August 2013

Today we got up and ready to venture out into Miami. We had complimentary breakfast at the hotel first, which was nice.
We crossed the road to the beach and we were met with paradise. 
From walking along a huge stretch of the beach it was clear that our part was the quietest - bonus. We walked along the boardwalk to Lincoln Road, a street with lots of shops, restaurants and, as it was a Sunday, markets. For once we weren't hungry so we managed to resist all of the lovely little restaurants. We did go to Dylan's Candy Bar and I have wanted to go to one since they opened. They're owned by Dylan Lauren (Ralph's daughter) and it's like walking into a world Willy Wonka created. 
You can get everything you can imagine - sweets galore, ice cream concoctions - everything looks amazing. How me and Loz managed to resist the red velvet bars I do not know :/ I kind of wish we hadn't! 
The next stop was Espanõla Way, which didn't disappoint. It is a quaint little stretch of pedestrianised road with lovely little restaurants, mainly with Spanish cuisine. 
I am ashamed to admit that me and Lauren shunned the Spanish cuisine in favour of a filet mingion baguette. Can you really blame us?! 
We carried on along Ocean Drive towards South Pointe Park. There are lots of beach gyms along the way but no fitties unfortunately. 
South Pointe Park was so picturesque, really really gorgeous.
Then we went back to Lincoln road for some sangria and fruit salad. Oh and we saw this on the bus which is worth a mention.
On that note, lots of love xxxx

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